Kazan joined the list of cities in providing humanitarian assistance to flood victims in the Kuban
9 July 2012, Monday
In connection with the emergency situation in the Krasnodar region, associated with the flood, and addressing issues of humanitarian assistance to affected citizens in seven districts of the capital, as well as in Almetyevsk cities and Naberezhnye Chelny organized collection points and receiving humanitarian assistance from the public. All things must be brought by new ones.
The institutions of primary vocational education will be come points acceptance humanitarian assistance. In the aircraft area - Professional Lyceum № 123 (ul.Dementeva, 39), Vakhitovsky - College Small Business and Management (ul.Tukaya, 114). In the Kirov region - vocational school № 137 (Music, 5), in the area - the Kazan College of Commerce and Economics (St. Gorsovetskaya, 2), the Novo-Savinovsky - Kazan Engineering College (pr.Amirhana, 12A), in the Privolgsky region commercial and culinary professional lyceum (Zorge, 13A). And the residents of the Sovietsky region will be able to deliver food and other things in the Kazan Polytechnical College at ul.Halitova, 9.
In Naberezhnye Chelny point for assistance will be located at Ave Naberezhnochelninsky, 29 based on Naberezhnochelninskiy Construction College. In Almetievsk acceptance point will be at work in a professional college Almetyevsk (pr.Stroiteley, 9A).
Work associated with the collection of humanitarian aid will be coordinated by departments of social protection of the republic. In Kazan, the inhabitants of the Soviet area can get information at: A. Kuta, 33 (Head of Venus Vasiliev, tel.: 273-18-06), the Volga region - in Zorge, 39 (Ghalia Mukhametshin, tel.: 277 -28-55). Novo Savinovsky district - ul.Yamasheva, 37, (Irina Khor'kova tel.: 523-75-82). Moscow region - ul.Blyuhera House, 81A, (Rubinskaya Tamara (544-89-94). Department of Social Welfare of the Kirov region - ul.Barudi, 5, (Zagustina Tatiana (554-47-80). Vakhitovsky in the area at - ul.Vishnevskogo, 10, (Guzel Ageev (238-10-55). And in the aircraft area at Timiryazev str, 8 (Grishanova Natalia, tel.: 571-58-00).
Humanitarian assistance from legal entities will be taken in the Technopolis "Himgrad" at the Rebellion, 104. Contact person: Igor V. Samokhin. Tel.: 89033449033.
For all the collection of humanitarian aid can be accessed in the sector to work with the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Affairs, tel.: 557-21-13.
In addition, there helpline Emergency: 292-64-09.
The list of material resources for humanitarian assistance for the affected population in Krymsk
Bottled water
Wheat flour 1 grade
Baby food: dry milks
Canned meat: beef stew
Canned fish: in oil, in its own juice, with tomato sauce
Gloves, work gloves, buckets, shovels
Underwear: men, women and children
Sleeping bags
Bedding: blankets, pillows, mattresses, bed linen (sheets, pillowcases, etc.).
Detergents, personal hygiene items: soap, toilet, washing powders
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A new Inclusive Game Park was opened in Kazan on December 15. It was built by the joint efforts of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Administration, the Coca-Cola System in Russia and the Naked Heart Foundation.
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Territorial Social Security Offices throughout the Republic of Tatarstan keep on accepting claims for the First Baby Benefit - social safety net mechanism introduced by Russian President Vladimir Putin since 1 January 2018.
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