Tatarstan enters top-5 regions providing jobs for retirees

19 November 2018, Monday

Tatarstan ranks fifth in the rating of regions with the most favorable conditions on labor market for pensioners. The study was conducted by RIA Rating, reports RIA News.

For the ranking, experts calculated index of attractiveness of the labor market for retirees. So, it is the easiest task for pensioners to find work in Moscow (76.8 points) and St. Petersburg (74.5 points). The third place is occupied by Moscow region (64.4 points), the next position is taken by Voronezh region (59.1).

According to the study, the index of attractiveness of the labor market for pensioners in Tatarstan was 57.3 points. Experts estimated the level of wages and employment of pensioners in Tatarstan, as well as unemployment rate, number of pensioners and duration of life.

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