Today, the State Duma hosted the opening ceremony of the WorldSkillsRussia: Young Professionals Exhibition. The solemn event was attended by the senior stuff of the State Duma, the heads of parliamentary factions, representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, the senior stuff of the Union “Young professionals of WorldSkills Russia” and others. Elmira Zaripova, Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Protection and Rafis Burganov, Minister of Education and Science represented the Republic of Tatarstan.
“WorldSkillsRussia: Young Professionals” launches a series of events dedicated to the preparation of the 45th World Championship in professional skills under the auspices of WorldSkills International, which will be held in August 2019 in Kazan. The purpose of this international organization is to promote the working professions, increase the prestige and status of the working person in society.