Deputy Minisetr of Labour Klara Tazetdinova pays visit to foster family

2 October 2018, Tuesday

Today, on 2 October 2018, the Deputy Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Klara Tazetdinova visited Almetyevsk municipal district, where she congratulated Naziya Mazitova and Naziya Sadreevna on the Day of the Elderly Person. Naziya Mazitova and Naziya Sadreevna have been living in a foster family since 30 January 2018. Zulfiya Talibullina a foster family assistant - a kind and sympathetic person that loves elderly persons as their mother.

Among the honored guests were also Rosa Aflyatunova - the head of the Council of Almetyevsk municipal district, Kadriya Gimatdinova – head of the Territorial Social Security Office, Ramil Ahmadishin – head of Suleevsky rural settlement. All of them congratulated the elderly citizens on the holiday, handed flowers and a memorable gifts.

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