"I want, I can, I must!" – the slogan of the training that was organized for clients of the Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Disabilities in Kazan last week.
The event was attended by a specialist of the Employment Center of the Vakhitovsky district, Razin Somov, and a psychologist of the training center "Rost. Success. Mastery »Olga Kapustina.
Psychologists and social teachers of the Rehabilitation Centre informed parents upbringing children with special needs about the importance of career counseling from early childhood to adulthood. Experts explained to the audience how to identify the predispositions and interests of the child in the early stages of growing up. The topic of interdepartmental cooperation in the employment of graduates, rights and opportunities for disabled people was also touched upon.
At the end of the event, the audience was given thematic brochures and memos.