Patriotic education of children in municipal district of Aksubayevo

7 November 2018, Wednesday

As part of the Patriotic Education Programme implemented in all educational and social service institutions for children, fosterlings of the social shelter for minors were invited to take part in the event “We remember. We are proud” which was dedicated to the memory of the hero of the Great Patriotic War, Philip Mazilin.

The children learned a lot of interesting facts about the hero, who repeated the feat of Alexander Matrosov. For this heroic deed Philip Mazilin was submitted to the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union, but the high command awarded him the Order of Lenin. The granddaughter of Philip Nikolaevich - V.I. Lavrentyeva took part in the event. She told the children that being on the delegation of Aksubayevo municipal district visited the hero’s burial site in the village of Mormal, Gomel Region.

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