Employment fair in Sovetsky district of Kazan

18 October 2018, Thursday

Regular employment fair for residents of Sovetsky territorial district will be held tomorrow, on 16 October 2018 in Kazan. The fair will be organized in cooperation with HR specialists from the following enterprises and organizations: Kazan Tramway Depot, OOO Kazan Milk Plant, “Ridesourcing service – 112” State-financed Institution, military registration and enlistment office for Sovetsky territorial district of Kazan.

Visitors of the fair will be offered the following open jobs: tram driver, electronics engineer, conductor, commercial representative, sales representative, merchandiser, watch officer, duty shift officer, woodworker, electrician, mechanic, construction electrician telephone, trading platforms specialist, milling machine operator, pargeter, electric and gas welder, electrician responsible for repair and maintenance of electric equipment, driver of mechanized infantry fighting vehicle, bomb-thrower, tank driver, tank driver, Forward Area Armored Vehicle pointer, machine gunner, sapper, bushwhacker, shooter and the others.

The fair will be opened at 9.00a.m. at the following address: Kazan, Zhurnalistov St., 13А.

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